Price on request
With this plant-specific set, every Palm plant lover can give their precious Palm plants the care they deserve. This gift set contains the Pokon Palm Nutrition 250 ML, the Pokon Palm soil 10 Liter and the Pokon Leaf Insect Capsules 12 Pieces. Lovely to give this Pokon Palm Giftset but even nicer to get!
SKU x900220
Status In stock (34 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer All4Plants
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
POKON PALM GIFTSET 30.00 x 5.00 x 40.00 cm 4.04 kg
Scancode Type
2794236847536 EAN-13


With this plant-specific set, every Palm plant lover can give their precious Palm plants the care they deserve. This gift set contains the Pokon Palm Nutrition 250 ML, the Pokon Palm soil 10 Liter and the Pokon Leaf Insect Capsules 12 Pieces. Lovely to give this Pokon Palm Giftset but even nicer to get!

Pokon Palm Fertilizer 250 ML
Your Palm will be even more beautiful when you feed it with Pokon Palm Fertilizer. This fertilizer contains essential nutrients and a rich blend of trace elements. In addition, your Palm strong and healthy by additional humus extracts and a 100% vegetable biostimulant. This will help your Palm plant to absorb the nutrition better. Magnesium (MgO) and Iron (Fe) ensure that the green color will be even more intense.

Instructions for use

  • Shake before use;
  • Give feed at least once a week;
  • Add half a cup per liter of water;
  • After use, rinse the watering can / measuring cup and cap with clean water.

For best results fertilize your Palm every two days when it is warm, the rest of the year once a week with Pokon Palm Fertilizer.

Pokon Palm Nutrition consists of a 1:1 with water diluted solution based on an 8-3-7 NPK fertilizer with humic acids, plant extracts and trace elements.

Pokon Palm Soil 10 Liters
Palms are real atmosphere creators in the house. However, they are not in their natural habitat. A good soil is therefore very important. Pokon Palms soil contains everything for optimal development. Pokon Palms Soil is suitable for all palms and green houseplants in the house. Because of the perfect water balance, plants are less likely to suffer from drought. For flowering houseplants such as orchids, bonsai and anthuriums, special Pokon potting soils are available that are precisely tailored to the specific needs of these plants.

Instructions for use

  • Always use clean pots;
  • Put a layer of hydro grains at the bottom of the pot (hydro grains provide better moisture management in the pot);
  • On top of the hydro grains, apply a layer of fresh Palms soil;
  • Submerge the root ball in water and then place the plant in the pot;
  • Fill the pot up to the rim with soil and then press it loosely;
  • Keep a pouring edge of at least 2 cm;
  • Then give the plant sufficient water.
In addition to coarse garden peat, peat litter and lime, this soil contains clay. Clay ensures that water and nutrition are well retained and provided to the plant as needed. This will make house palms dry out less quickly. Moreover, this soil contains nutrition for 2 months.

Pokon Leaf Insect Capsules Bio 12 Pieces
Are you suffering from leaf insects on your plants? Pokon Leaf Insect Capsules Bio is a biostimulant to increase resilience. The herbal extracts in this plant treatment support the natural healing ability, working nurturing, feeding and plant strengthening. This allows the plant to better resist external influences, including attacks by leaf insects. Pokon Leaf Insect Capsules Bio works indirectly at nuisance of aphids, scale insects, root lice, mealy bugs, woolly cap lice, white flies, caterpillars, vine weevils, lily pads, gall midges, spider mites, thrips, leek moths, black bean lice, strawberry blossom beetles, fungus gnats and leafhoppers. Sucking and chewing insects leave the plant alone and disappear because they do not like the food. The capsules are suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants and vegetable garden and work for four weeks.

Instructions for use
  • Soil treatment garden plants;
    Make a small hole in the soil of about 10 cm deep
    Soil treatment plant in pot;
    Make a small hole in the ground of about 5 cm deep
  • Put the capsule in the ground;
  • Pour the hole full of water and then cover the hole with soil;
  • After treatment fruits and vegetables can be eaten without any problems. Wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them.
This product consists of herbal extracts.